Monday, October 25, 2010

Bloomington Training Rolls On

Hey all,

So to give an update, not a whole lot has changed since the last time I posted. I have been training hard 6 days a week keeping the focus on power and speed development. I feel like I have made some huge gains and am more explosive and powerful on the track and in the weight room every week.

Today, for example, I went into the weight room for a nice snatch day with 2x3, 2x2 and 2x1. My triples were 70 and 75, my doubles were both at 80 and my singles were 85 and 92. Those are some pretty solid numbers for me in training, especially since I was coming straight off of the track where I had run 10x200m. Next week I get to go for a max in the clean and the week after that I max in the snatch. Pretty exciting stuff!

My track workouts have also been really good lately, and I have sticking to the plan of acceleration development backed by speed development and speed endurance. I have been doing a lot of acceleration ladders (sets of 10m, 20m 30m), hills, sled pulls, pole runs, elastic runs and speed endurance runs (120m-200m repeats), and I am feeling really good on the track right now.

I have been sticking to the straight pole drills once a week, and have started doing 6-8 fiberglass vaults at the end of each straight pole session from 2 lefts on tiny poles. The focus is the exact same thing as the straight pole work, and things have been going pretty well with it. Here's a video of me from 2 lefts on a small 15' pole from last week.

Tomorrow is my drills/jump/acceleration dev day, and I might just move to 3 lefts and see if I can get on some sort of decent pole from there. If so, I'll post video!

Until next time, Thanks for following!


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