Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First PR of the year!

Well today I had my first real PR of the year. Hopefully there will be some more, but for now I figure I might as well document the first one! Well, really there were two! Today we wanted to hit a PR in the clean, and we ended up succeeding twice. The idea was to do some triples, a moderately heavy double and then hit singles. My PR in the clean leading up to today was 112.5kg. Truth be told I cleaned 110kg sometime during my Sophomore year of college and have always been upset that I haven't cleaned more. My 112.5kg PR came from about a year and a half ago at IU, and since I know I'm stronger now than I have been before, I pretty much knew a PR was going down today. Well I did my double at 100kg and then moved to singles at 105kg and 110kg. I then moved to 115kg, which was a new PR, and made it way easier than I had expected. We looked at the video and debated skipping to 125kg because 115kg looked so fast, but decided to stick to the plan of trying to make 120kg. And it's a good thing we did. I ended up missing three times at 120kg from the floor, leaving me pretty tired. I told Wil I wanted one more try at it, and he was stoked that I still wanted to go for it. On my fourth attempt I finally made it, and it was pretty sweet. I was feeling pretty happy about it, since all of our training focuses really heavily on the olympic lifting and a PR there means that the work that we have been putting in is showing results.

Here is a link to the video, which includes my makes at 110kg, 115kg and 120kg:

Stay tuned!


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