Monday, November 8, 2010

Snatch PR

Well, it was probably the ugliest PR lift I've ever had, but I PR'ed in the snatch today, and hit a HUGE milestone goal in my training. The idea was to work up to a heavy single in the snatch from the hang, and go for a PR if I felt good. I started with a few triples at 60 and 70, then moved to a double (power snatch, snatch) at 80kg, and a single at 85kg. Then I skipped to 95kg, which was my previous PR, and made it on the first attempt with no issue whatsoever. It felt like a great lift, so we moved to 100kg. At 100kg I honestly didn't do much right at all. I collapsed at the direction switch, and my knees immediately came forward a little. I pulled hard and long through the second pull anyway, but ended up way behind the bar. I decided to dive under anyway, and ended up catching, stabilizing, and standing up with it. All in all its pretty amazing how ugly the lift was, but I caught it and stood up with it, so a PR is a PR!

This year, my overall goals in the clean and snatch were to make 120kg in the clean and 100kg in the snatch by the end of the year. I somewhat expected this to end up happening between indoor and outdoor season, but I have already made both of those goals before I have even really started jumping at all. I can't give enough credit to Wil Fleming at Force Fitness and Performance, and I have to also thank Ryan Ketchum down there who coached me through my PR session today and has instilled a lot of confidence in me throughout my training. I feel more powerful and explosive right now than ever before, and it's thanks to the work I have been doing at Force.

Well another thing this week that's pretty exciting is that we're gonna start getting on a regular jumping schedule. We'll be jumping mondays and thursdays and I'll start with some 2 and 3 left stuff this week and work back to 6 and 7 by December. Should be fun.

Until next time,


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